Wednesday, 3 December 2014

Go back to Textual Analysis task and do one more scene that contains ‘extreme’ violence in GTA5 (will give you the other side of the argument)

No evidence of bibliography – this will be ongoing but on the Word document at home insert the bibliography in its current state and then copy and paste this text over on to your blog. This will give you an indication of how your research is looking – we want 30+ sources in total, of which around 15 are books or academic journals.

Cohen – Moral panic. Definitely need to add this to your research because it is perfect for this debate.

Revise/find more on effects theories – hypodermic needle etc.

Type up your plan on your blog and add quotes / links to aspects of your notes and quotes post.

Do the additional research we have discussed – crime stats, original GTA (1997), Moral Panic etc. 

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Textual analysis

The obvious institutions behind this video is Rockstar as they produce the game and make millions but behind this video you could say it is google/youtube as this is where the video is distributed and uploaded and this video got over 500k views and Vikstar who uploaded this video has over 1 million subscribers which shows this game is so big all over the social platforms as he is not the only one who upload game play. I believe YouTube promote GTA game play more than others this way they could get way more advertising money as GTA is such a big game and most people who upload GTA gameplay have the most views and subscribers. This channel has uploaded over 180 videos about GTA which is good publicity for Rockstar and this had lead to these people who contribute to make money from rock star as well. 

The shots in this YouTube are similar throughout the whole 18 minute video as it's the normal gamer point of view camera which is normal for everybody which is a  wide shot. Also the camera is tracking your main character and this is normal to everyone and isn't so different. However it does present the characters as mad men as what their doing in this video are very adventurous as they are riding bikes so fast jumping of buildings which and there is a narrative to what they are doing as they have missions to complete the races and follow the instructions and you have to follow somethings to complete the whole series of missions.  

This is a online scene where you and you mates can join in and have fun. This is very interesting as this part of the game never gets brought up by the media- friends just having fun, as the video is called funny moments. But the negative side to this video is that the target audience may be younger than 18 which majority are and they will want to play the game and then will be exposed to the violence which is in game heavily. However this is solid evidence that GTA isn't just about violence as in these 186 18 mins videos you could see there's more to it as friends are just racing around on bikes. 

This video appeals to the people who play GTA and which are meant to be over 18, but I believe the target audience to this you tube channel are 12-17 which shows the influence as the age rated range don't watch the content which is put online to watch which shows this game a high percentage is sold to younger people. 

Textual Analysis

Media Language:

This is the first shot in the trailer which is the establishing shot. The shot type is a birds eye view shot as you could see the whole surface area of the city and this shot is the motor way which leads to the third characters house. This shot is very important to be used in the trailer as it is the main road you use and spend the most time in game to do challenges etc. This shows audience what the game is really like and whats in the game. 

The second shot used in this trailer was a medium shot of the 3 main characters and this shot is used very early on in the trailer as the audience want to know who the main characters and want to see the main characters identity.  Also when you see this part in the trailer you could see how all the characters are in the game, which one is the calm one? The boss as the the boss is the vocal one. 

A shot which comes on at the later stages of the trailer is a very clever shot and the shot type used is a is a tracking shot as in this shot the camera is following the character down from the plane this shot just shows the audience what you will be able to do in the game if you Buy. There is a purpose in why these type of shots are put as they want maximum sales and showing of you best features is vital for more sales. 

Institution: Rockstar have always been behind this game since 1997 and every new GTA series they make it smashes records and this year every world record was smashed. Rockstar only spent 8 million dollars on promoting this game and this is just a minor percentage of what the games makes in a day. However the trailer of this game releases 8-9 months before the game came out there was such a hype and people really wanted to see the game because its in high demand and everyone wanted to see some footage of the game. 

Genre: The genre of this GTA is Video game. But this game is very realistic you could almost think its a real movie as the narrative is very realistic and very movie-esque. In the game you follow three 3 narratives- three different characters whom all have a different story. In the media they label this game as very violent and this is something that I cannot disagree with as the game is full of violence, however what Rockstar done was very clever as you could see life in three different point of views and this never gets brought up in the media. 


What it says on the cover is that this game is for a mature audience 17 plus, however many children play this game as their parents buy it for them. Younger children tend to more interested in these types of games as their friends play the game and then they want to buy it for themselves as they wanna play with their friends. Also Rockstar aim this game at younger children as they will be able play for a longer years ahead so they advertise when a mainstream audience is watching so parents could be forced to buy it for their children if they children nag.

Representation: In this trailer 4 different things are being represented, 3 different american people and the whole country in the trailer. The country is being represented in bad and a good way in this trailer as rock star have some good things like all the sights and all the beautiful roads.  Then we see crime in the trailer which is a bad representation of the country cars crashing into each other and people getting beaten up and this isn't a good representation for America. Then we have the 3 actors which are all represented differently, the Black- american character has been represented with all dominant stereotype.Then we have a White- American who is from Texas which is a drug addict and then we have a American-Mexican who is the richest of them all who has a family. 

Gaming is such a big industry and were in a phase where people don't want to spend high amounts of money, but this has never affected the gaming as the industry has just gone bigger and smashing most technology records which shows there has been no back tracking. GTA sold over 631,000 copies in just 24 hours and in the 5 day period that the game was available it sold over 927,000 copies. This could mean this game is very important for escapism and diversion. Also People who brought this previously has a personal identity or relationship with the main actors in the game. This game allows people to get away from the real world as this portrays three different people in a realistic game which people can escape with.  

There is not much you could say about historic with Grand theft Auto. But in the game there its about history and all the narrative is built on history and the history between the 2 characters which are in the trailer and they done a bank robbery in the past and Trevor got nothing and his friend wanted to help him to get money and this is built on history. 

The state is very bad for businesses and Grand theft auto and all the businesses morals go out the window as businesses sell this game to parents knowing it'll be for their children, yet don't care as the company they work for mission is to make money and they don't stop or warn parents about the game because there company wouldn't like it and the employee may get into trouble. Also the advertising for this game was immense getting this trailer at super bowls and the biggest TV shows just shows the power of some companies in the gaming industries.

This game has been all over the news and many news outlets blaming this game for crimes which involve younger children as this is a easy target and the big question is that does it increase violence as research has been done many times but there isn't a concrete answer. 

Tuesday, 4 November 2014

Notes and quotes

Grand theft auto (primary text)
1. Nick Clegg warns of 'corrosive effect' of grand theft auto

  • "Video games like grand theft auto have a corrosive effect on the behaviour of players"
  • Nick Clegg: "theses video games can have a powerful effect"
  • Clegg added: "They occupy hermetically sealed world of their own and this have a determintal effect" 

2. Anyone claiming grand theft auto is just violence for violence sake hasn't played it.

  • "grand theft auto isn't much different to Hollywood movies"
  • "we teenagers play these video games for their stories and artistic merit, much like why I would watch a film or television show, or read a book"
  • "Critics love to condemn its usage of prostitution, torture and murder"
  • "GTA 5 does a better job of showing the consequences of violence" 
  • "In game you cannot get away with violence the police intervene, if they catch you causing violence"
  • "Video games don't make anyone violent it's just a scapegoat 
  • "GTA 5 isn't a manual on how to live your life- its a video game"
3. Grand theft auto makes it cool to- even pick up- prostitutes

  • "My students play GTA instead of studying. It teaches them to kill prostitutes and beyond 
  • "You can get out of the car and beat her down"
  • "All of this is possible, encouraged by people giving you tips on youtube and chatroom"
4. GTA 5 torture row: Teacher slams scene of extreme violence in most expensive game ever.

  • This torture scene has sparked fears with teachers and lectures about the impact of the extreme violence. 
  • Alison Sherratt states: "extreme violence should not be included in video games"
  • "Children in playground are displaying more violence and we've conducted polls and found they are viewing GTA 
  • She said: “Up until now we’ve been warning of the dangers of children seeing these games but saying it’s the parents responsibility to keep children away from these video games.
  • “They don’t understand the difference between reality and fiction because it’s so awfully graphic and real. and they do copy it.
  • “Responsibility also lies with parents to ensure that their children do not access these types of games until it is appropriate.”
5. Liverpool pupil, robbed bank with a gun as if he was in  a video game
  • The teenager burst into a branch of Barclays and pointed a fake handgun at terrified cashiers while demanding cash.
  • judge Ian Lomax said: the child may have been influenced by something he had ‘been watching or playing’.
6. Can a video game lead to murder?
  • Two weeks ago, a multi million dollar lawsuit was filed in Albania against the makers of Grand theft auto, claiming that months of playing the game led a teenager to kill three people,two of them police officers 
  • They were gunned down by a 18 year old who's been playing the game for nine months day and night 
  • "He bought it as a minor. He played it hundreds of hours, which is primarily a cop-killing game. It's our theory, which we think we can prove to a jury in Alabama, that, but for the video-game training, he would not have done what he did."
  • "A police officer we spoke to said, 'Our job is dangerous enough as it is without having our kids growing up playing those games and having the preconceived notions of "let's kill an officer." It's almost like putting a target on us.' Can you see his point?" asks Bradley.
7. Grand theft auto records
  • Best-selling action-adventure video game in 24 hours
  • Best-selling video game in 24 hours
  • Fastest entertainment property to gross $1 billion
  • Fastest video game to gross $1 billion
  • Highest-grossing video game in 24 hours
  • Highest revenue generated by an entertainment product in 24 hours
  • Most viewed trailer for an action-adventure video game
8. violence in Video game
  • "The problems with these video games is that violence they contain." 
  • "concerns often stem from real life tragedies involving children and teenagers  who have played violent video games 
  • "Science has not proven that playing violent video games causes violent behavior.
  • "school shootings are tragic and very scary. They also are very rare. According to the national center for educational statistics, 17 kids were killed in US schools by shootings between 2008-2009"
9. Effects of video games
  • "Research on exposure to television and movie violence suggests that playing violent video games will increase aggressive behavior. A meta-analytic review of the video-game research literature reveals that violent video games increase aggressive behavior in children and young adults."
  • Analyses also reveal that exposure to violent video games increases physiological arousal and aggression-related thoughts and feelings. Playing violent video games also decreases prosocial behavior.
10. Claims that video games lead to violence

  • Dr Mario Vance, a psychological researcher at the Rapture Institute for headline-inspired science, conducted a seven-year longitudinal study that monitored the anger levels of more than a thousand volunteers from gaming communities. The results showed statistically significant increases in overall aggression and violent tendencies that occurred very soon after tenuous mainstream media stories claiming video games cause violence.
  • "Mainstream media have never liked video games, but it's just getting silly lately," said Dr Vance. 
  • "Recently, several media sources focused on Aaron Alexis (the Washington naval yard gunman) and his enthusiasm for Call of Duty as a cause for his brutal crimes. Because when wondering what could have made a naval reservist, someone trained by the military to engage in actions with the express intention of killing people, turn to violence, the obvious conclusion is 'video games', apparently.
  • Dr Vance and his colleagues assessed daily reports submitted by willing gamers as to their aggression levels and violent tendencies, and over 90% of subjects reported dramatic increases in anger and violent inclinations whenever they viewed a news story that associated video games and violent behaviour. The remaining subjects were not included as they were typically too busy punching walls or screaming incoherent threats at traffic.
11. Research of the effects of video games
  • some studies suggest that the playing or observing of violent games does affect young
  • children negatively as they show increased levels of aggressive behaviour – at least in the
  • short term
  •  other studies suggest that computer games have little or no effect on children’s aggressive
  • behaviour, or can even be put to good use in an educational context
  • children exhibit addictive behaviour towards computer game playing
  • computer games cause children to be less sociable and less academically capable
  • those who commit crime to finance their game playing habit share some characteristics with
  • other kinds of addicts and encounter various social problems.
  • Some research has set out to address the link between computer game playing and self-esteem as well aggression. Low self-esteem might well lead to more frequent play which would in turn lead to more mastery and therefore higher self-esteem according to Sanger 
  • Video games negative outcomes: Aggression, low- self esteem, addiction and crime 
  • Video games positive outcomes: Relaxation, High self esteem , Education, sociability. evidence is sparse, various studies seem to suggest that the playing or observing of violent games does affect young children negatively as they show increased levels of aggressive behaviour at least in the short term- Griffiths
12. Liverpool pupil robbed bank as it was a real life video game
  • Studies show ultra-violent games can lead to copycat behaviour among teenagers. Grand Theft Auto V, the latest game in a notorious series, was released last week to massive controversy.
  • ‘Kids should be protected from certain content'
  • Debra Chan said: ‘He wanted the money because he was jealous of other people who had material things he wanted.’ 
  • ‘This is a very serious matter. It’s an armed robbery but not in the conventional sense most people would recognise. 
  • The teenager has been sentenced 
13. Video games are not making us more violent studies shows
  • Major new research into the effects of violent movies and video games has found no long-term links with real-life violence. 
  • consumption of violent video games was measured against youth violence rates in the previous 20 years. The study concluded that playing video games coincided with a fall in violent crime perpetrated by those in the 12-17 age group.
  • Anders Behring Breivik claimed to have played the military shooter Call of Duty in preparation for the killing of 77 people in Norway in 2011
  •  laboratory tests into aggression can only measure short-term aggressive reactions
14. Aggression from video games linked to incompetence
  • Feelings of aggression after playing video games are more likely to be linked to game play mechanics rather than violent content- studies suggest 
  • Games modified to have counter-intuitive, frustrating controls produced more aggressive reactions.
  • playing violent video games for long periods of time can hold back the "moral maturity" of teenagers- one study suggests
  • Problems arose with teenagers who spent more than three hours every day in front of a screen, continuously playing these violent games without any other real-life interaction.
  • "If developers can design more effective game-play processes then it could be possible to minimise a player's feelings of exasperation and irritation - admittedly something good developers will want to achieve in any case," said Richard Wilson.
  • "Players of games without any violent content were still feeling pretty aggressive if they hadn't been able to master the controls or progress through the levels at the end of the session."
15. Media Magazine Issue 40

  • When looking at some of the responses to controversial media texts it’s possible to see the general acceptance of an idea that is based on a largely discredited audience theory – the hypodermic syringe theory. This theory claims that the media ‘injects’ its passive audience members with ideas, values and attitudes that can directly influence behavior. This simple cause and effect perspective of media influence fails to address the complexities that make up the collective audience and indeed its individual members.
  • The idea that the media has a direct effect on people is often used by tabloid newspapers and politicians when responding to violent events. Of the many examples often cited are the claims that the music of Marilyn Manson and the game Doom were to blame for the Columbine High School shootings; and that the film Child’s Play was influential in the murder of Jamie Bulger.A belief in the direct influence of the media led to Oliver Stone being taken to court accused of being responsible for crimes which were allegedly influenced by his film Natural Born Killers. 
  • pursuits of the masses in their leisure time have long been seen as potential sources of social, moral and cultural decline. The social taboo of taking pleasure in violence could go some way to explain why computer games have been problematic. It is frequently argued that games such as GTA encourage consequence-free violence for its own sake through the narrative of the game. Players in these types of games can immerse themselves in the narratives; and the game-play means that they identify with the violent protagonists and receive rewards for violent actions. Unlike an action film which bases its violence on ‘justifiable’ motivation like revenge, survival or saving the family/state etc. the violence in games is largely perceived as ‘unjustified’ and presented as fun or just a way to pass the time; it is therefore more likely to be seen as morally reprehensible. 

  • 16. Grand theft Auto First person shooter set to cause controversy
    • Grand Theft Auto V‘s new first-person viewpoint on the PS4/Xbox One/PC remaster of the game looks to be much more than just a gimmick
    • However, the GTA series’ comical level of over-the-top violence is somewhat uncomfortable to witness when you’re placed in the shoes of one of the game’s three protagonists.
    • members have noted how the game’s new perspective may make the violence a little “too much,” with some of the wanton acts violence you can perform on innocents in the open-world game 

    17. Violent video games and aggression Journal 
    • It is well established that violent video games increase aggression. 
    • There is a stronger evidence of short-term violent video game effects than of long-term effects. The present experiment tests the cumulative long-term effects of violent video games on hostile expectations and aggressive behaviour over three consecutive days.
    • Participants played violent or non violent video games 20 min a day for three consecutive days.After gameplay, participants could blast a confederate with loud unpleasant noise through headphones (the aggression measure).
    • As a potential causal mechanism, we measured hostile expectations. Participants read ambiguous story stems about potential interpersonal conflicts, and listed what they thought the main characters would do or say, think, and feel as the story continued.
    • As expected, aggressive behaviour and hostile expectations increased over days for violent game players, but not for non violent video game players, and the increase in aggressive behaviour was partially due to hostile expectations.

    Friday, 10 October 2014


    Media texts
    Main Focus- Grand Theft Auto 5

    Other Media Texts 
    Call of duty modern warefare 2-2011
    Watchdogs 2-2014
    tomb raider-2013 
    saints row 4-2013 
    last of us- 2014 
    mortal combat 

    TV documentaries
    BBC- addicted to games-

    ABC- are video games to blame for the increase in violence

    Academic text/books 
    Barrie Gunter: the effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked (1998)
    James Newman: Playing with video games (2008)
    Nancy signoriell: Violence in video games: a reference handbook (2005)
    Grand theft childhood April 2008
    Violent video games effects on children and adolescents 
    game over for childhood (2012)

    bibliography  About Grand theft auto violence about the sake of the violence  Grand theft auto torture row- teachers slam Grand theft auto  Violence in video games debate.  Grand theft auto blamed for shootings  article about: did grand theft auto lead to violence  The meaning of race and violence in video games
    hl=en&lr=&id=9XB3AgAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=violence+in+video+games&ots=2nkBVvEE-c&sig=UhRzsWGxS-VpBpSuWhrprSfPrP4#v=onepage&q=violence%20in%20video%20games&f=false- Book which are linked to video games which contain violence. Journal about violence in video games.  Examination about violence in video games. 
     reports Youtube self made documentary giving their opinion about violence in video games   Project about violence in video games

    Tuesday, 7 October 2014


    Working tittle 
    Are video games like 'Grand theft auto v' becoming increasingly violent and what effect do they have on audiences? 


    Are younger audiences being affected by the increase in violence in video games? the increase in violence in video games has it effected how younger teenagers act in society. Is this just a moral panic of the 21st century or is further regulation required. How the gaming industries have changed over the years? Who do they really target? Impact on the age regulation. Is buying the game to easy?  


    Is violence in Grand theft auto increasing? How has the game developed over the years since first release in 1997. Video games are psychologically damaging for young people.  Are parents blaming the game for most crimes? 

    Linked production 

    The first idea is to have news style documentary about violence in video games. In this documentary I will explain the violence in video games and hows affected younger teenagers.



    negative Parents representation 
    Male dominance- males causing violence and leading the game  
    stories not accurate- blame game 

    Media language 

    Mis-en-scene provide how USA was in the 90s and how gangs acted 
    Illegal drug usage 
    illegal bank robberies 
    Clothes- visualisation of gangsters in America. 
    In game violence being portrayed. 

    Media institution 

    Main institution involved- rockstar production 
    similarities with saints row same institution 
    engine by Rage
    Distributed by optic disk 
    game engine- euphoria 

    Media audiences

    Primary demographic- 13-30
    personal relationship with the 3 characters. 
    Class E- demographics
    reformers and strugglers 


    Male dominance 
    treating females 
    personal troubles in game


    In game story- equilibrium, disequilibrium, new equilibrium on every mission every game solved by the hero- main character 

    recurring theme as they always go home to eat or sleep. 



    • Changed the way we think about gaming industries 
    • Changed the way we think about younger teenagers who are addicted to video games- think they may harm somebody 
    • Some extent restricted our thinking towards the USA

    • when every new grand theft auto comes out high amounts is spent on advertising 
    • Most expensive game ever spending 170 million on marketing and development 
    • Smashed most financial records- breaking 2 financial records fastest entertainment property to gross 1 billion dollars and fastest video game to gross 1 billion dollars 
    • Political corrupt society in game is having a bad effect on Americas politics.
    • Grand theft auto is blamed for some crime issues 
    • This came could be used for the US military to de-sensitise killing according to Glenn Beck   

    Issues and debates 
    Representation and stereotyping-

    Media technology and digital revolution-

    Ownership and control- 

    regulation and censorship- 

    media affects-

    Gerbner cultivation Theory-

    Ronald Barthes-  The Signifier and signified- Denotation and connotation

    Stuart Hall-  Dominant and preferred reading, Negotiated reading, oppositional reading.
    Lines of appeal brand values-

    narrative structure- Todorov

    VALs- Values, attitudes and lifestyle


    The hypodermic needle

    Two step flow theory

    uses and gratifications

    Richard Dyer- stereotyping

    Media texts
    Main Focus- Grand Theft Auto 5

    Other Media Texts 
    Call of duty modern warefare 2-2011
    Watchdogs 2-2014
    tomb raider-2013 
    saints row 4-2013 
    last of us- 2014 

    TV documentaries
    BBC- addicted to games 
    ABC- are video games to blame for the increase in violence

    Academic text/books 
    Barrie Gunter: the effects of video games on children: the myth unmasked (1998)
    James Newman: Playing with video games (2008)
    Nancy signoriell: Violence in video games: a reference handbook (2005)
    Grand theft childhood April 2008
    Violent video games effects on children and adolescents 
    game over for childhood (2012)

    Internet Links

    Wednesday, 17 September 2014


    • Great topic but question needs to be sharper/clearer
    • Good to see media language being used- would be good to link mise-en-scene to the question
    • is there any evidence of real life crimes copying GTA?
    • Record and stats/financial aspects are important but need to link it to the question/ violence ... media debates.
    • Big questions here about regulation and censorship 
    • blame the game in each case (rather than gun, control, parenting)
    • Daily mail article is relevant- but surely the problem is parents not the game. 
    • use of online comments- good source of research provides contrast with theory/academic sources  
    • similarly with other cases- there is an incentive to the blame in each case. 

    1. Good use of articles
    2. The use of the online comments in the presentation 
    3. Using Records/statistics to back your point
    4. Media Language being used 
    1. Need to make the question more clearer 
    2. Link mise-en-scene to the question 
    3. Link Records to the question 
    4. Make the articles point more clear 
    5. Need to look at other aspect of the violence not just the game e.g. parents
    The first thing that I will have to do is make the question more sharper and focus the question on one side. I will have to look at the articles that I find in more depth and look at the other sides of the article e.g. The game might not be the only issue affecting parents it could be parents. I can't just blame the violence on the game and have to look at the other issues. 

    Wednesday, 3 September 2014

    In Grand Theft Auto Women are represented as the weaker sex and the women don't cause any violence which may be the reason why women aren't affected and don't come up in the media as much as males.  In the game males are represented as the strong sex and this is why many young teenagers copy their hero's in real life because of all the problems that they cause in the game and the people who play the game want to do what they do in real life. this could be a major factor in why violence has increased due to video games.  In the media it is accurate that the male is the more dominate that is the dominate reading in Grand theft Auto. 

    In Grand theft Auto the video many different types of people are being represented. One thing that is being represented is the country America and the representation in the game just gives the country bad publicity as there always news about people robbing banks, killing people etc. and this something that the County America doesn't want to be associated with as these are serious crimes. Prostitutes in this game have such a bad representation that they have had protests to ban the game overall. 

    From this you could connote that they're very bad people in the USA as some of things that happen in this game are based on real life. It gives a bad reputation of the people in America as they love drugs and love to pay prostitutes and plan to cause problems in society.  You could say that the rock star production have created the black person as the villain who is harming society and all the gangs in the game contain black people and these people are always creating a new equilibrium and the police contain white people restore peace in the community. 

    The target audience for this game are teenagers over 17 as the restriction for the game is M which is for mature audience which is over the age of 17, however I believe that the industry promote this game towards parents of younger children. The facts are that they the game comes out on a Friday and all the special offers are on at supermarkets including ASDA and sainsbury and this is the day where parents do their house shopping and their children create the buzz about the game so in the end the parents will buy the game as it be's at a very cheap price. It's almost like the tobacco industry. On the box it says it's for people over the age of 18 but these bosses promote towards younger people. This links to increase in violence as the games contains more violence and children get addicted and want to try what the characters do in real life.I believe that the industry target the class A,B and C because most parents come into these categories and they want the parents to buy the product for their Kids. This is also targeted at D as these are students.  

    This article backs up it's points with strong evidence. This articles is from the daily mail and was published on the 14/08/14 and the main point is why do children have access do these video games and the daily mail have put the blame onto the parents as they are the ones who buy the children the video games. In this article some parents admit that there children play these video games including grand theft auto and call of duty.  This article is targeted at parents as it states why parents allow their children to pay these games and ignore the age limits and this a very serious situation and this could be one of the reason why violence has increased with younger children/teenagers as it is very easy to gain access for these games. This is why millions have been put into research to see why violence has increased and a big factor is the use of video games. Gaming counsellors have said that video game addiction is strong as drug addiction and this could be a reason why violence has increased due to the amount in video games. The whole article is related to the video game grand theft auto. There is such strong evidence that violence in video game has increased as more cases are being made in the media and so many serious things have happened including: a kid shooting his Grandparent. 

    This article which was published in the telegraph and the topic is the GTA is deliberately trying to downgrade women which 100% correct. The starting sentence is that GTA V's treatment of women aims to make its audience feel uncomfortable. I agree with this point as the three main characters are 3 dominant male's and these 3 men don't care about women as they have sex with them anywhere and prosistitutes are all over the city which has a bad representation of women. The games expert believes this has bad representation on men as no women were included and this is why the blame is lead on to males about violence because the game is about three males.

    Tuesday, 2 September 2014

    In Grand theft Auto the main thing that is being represented is the crime and violence in the slums of the big cities and the game wants to show how bad society is and what they do is put: crime, violence prostitution in the game to show how severe the situation is in some of the big cities. However in the game there are many other things that wrong with society as they rob banks, rob cars and kill people with guns. One interesting situation in grand theft auto is how the police are being represented in the game. The police rules aren't strict enough and the police officers can kill anyone. Also you leave  jail, after killing somebody, in 24 hours.  The only affect the character has that the police fine him.  This is just a negative affect on the USA and USA police officers. This is also odd because you would want to represent the police as dominant, Powerful and to have some dignity, however in GTA is completely the opposite as police seem powerless as you leave jain within hours.  They also have a bad representation on the government in USA because it shows how bad some areas in the USA are and the nobody takes any action- this gives us a negative view of the USA.

    Grand Theft Auto V Trailer

    Grand Theft Auto

    Grand Theft Auto is a video game series which has produced some the biggest games from the first play stations to the most recent. Each of the video games has different main character that you be and focus on throughout the game. In the game you take part in many mission which call mayhem and unrest to the in game society. The game is 1 of the biggest sellers and has one of the biggest fan base in the modern day with 3.22 million followers on Twitter.  On first few months of sales the games broke 6 records which include: Highest views on a trailer and quickest to gross over a billion dollars.  The rating category for the video game is M meaning for mature audience over 17. This game contains: blood, intense violence, mature humour, nudity, strong language, strong sexual content, use of drugs and alcohol.

    Tragedy and Video Game Violence

    research Grand Theft Auto

    This is article was produced on the 24/09/13 11 days after the game Grand theft auto hit the shops. This article is about how a 15 year old tried to rob the bank.  This was influenced by Grand theft Auto because the main mission in the game is to rob a bank. He had a Fake handgun and demanded the money and this happens in the grand theft auto video game in the bank robbery mission.  It wasn't confirmed that this was influenced by the game GTA- but this incident occurred 10 days after the game released and strong indications that is was influenced from the game because this bank robbery occurs in the game.  The Judge Said: "it's a Bizarre situation nevertheless it was a robbery" This case overall shows the danger of the video game industry and clearly shows that industries really need to take action because it will only get worse.   


    Grand theft auto 5- Facts for Teenagers ( Games Radar targeted at teenagers)


    This is from the Kate show which comes on in America on the ABC network. On this show they discuss issues in the media or on social media.  This show they discuss: Arse video games to blame for violent crime? The people discussing this issue are top Dr of Forensics and psychiatrists. The major point that they're discussing is what affect does the games have on individual behaviour. Dr Welner stated high intensity research is ongoing  but could confirm from research that violence in video games and that the gamer is deluded to the violent game.  Coleen Moore states that they do have methods to help the game addicts and treat this issue at the same level as alcoholism. Jim who put this forward to the White house said that 10 million dollars have been put forward to research the violence in video games.  Jim also says that the industry have no further laws and industies are targeting younger audiences but still have age ratings. as they believe parents only have to read the instruction (the box)


    This article was on the SKY NEWS website published on the 24/08/13. What this article covers is the massive affect that these video games have on teenagers and the things that these games can cause and how they affect families. Grand theft auto, the video game, causes children to act like what they see on the TV. This leads very serious issues and this is not the only tragedy that the video game has caused.  This article also fears how the younger children get the video games- when the video game is a "M" mature audiences 17 plus. This leads the blame on to the parents as they're the ones who get hold of the video games. This article also questions: Why did his Gran have the gun in the first place? 

    Thursday, 10 July 2014


    1. Who owns the Site
     Mark Zuckerberg ( Chairman, CEO)
    2. Do they own any traditional businesses?

    3. What other internet sites do they own?
    1. Instagram (brought for $1bn April 2012)
    2. Whatsapp (brought for $19bn 20 February 2014)

    4. What is there overall worth
     Facebook's value is: ( $100.6bn August 2013 )

    5. Research 5 key facts about Facebook]
    1.  During Facebook's first summer the Zuckerberg family spent $85,000 dollars to keep facebook alive. Mark Zuckerberg is know worth $19bn. (
    2. They brought both Social media heavyweights: Whatsapp and Instagram. In November Snapchat turned down a $3bn offer from facebook.
    3. There was a movie made about facebook and how it started: Social Network.
    4.  95 % of people in United states have facebook http (://
    5.  Facebook earned $2.6bn from adverts in 2012 (

    6. Find three quotes about facebook (with reference) about the institution
    1.  "Facebook is like prison. You spend all day staring at a wall and get poked by people you don't know"- Unknown (
    2.  "I am on facebook, but mainly a way to spy on my children. I find out more about them on there facebook pages than from what they tell me"-  Salman Rushdie (
    3.  "Facebook isn't your friend,  it is a surveillance machine "-  Richard Stallman (

    Summarise 2 linked wikipedia pages 5 bulletpoints
    1. This tells us that facebook has 955 million active users
    2. This article tells us that 83 million facebook users are fake accounts
    3.  4.8 percent of monthly users were duplicate accounts
    4.  2.4 percent of monthly users were misclassified accounts
    5.  Since these findings share prices have halfed.
    1. In this article we learn that facebook brought competitors for $
    2.  We understand that the EU are investigating and questioning this deal
    3.  We learn that 2 companies have told commissions that they fear messagings apps could be squeezed out of the market