Thursday, 10 July 2014


1. Who owns the Site
 Mark Zuckerberg ( Chairman, CEO)
2. Do they own any traditional businesses?

3. What other internet sites do they own?
1. Instagram (brought for $1bn April 2012)
2. Whatsapp (brought for $19bn 20 February 2014)

4. What is there overall worth
 Facebook's value is: ( $100.6bn August 2013 )

5. Research 5 key facts about Facebook]
1.  During Facebook's first summer the Zuckerberg family spent $85,000 dollars to keep facebook alive. Mark Zuckerberg is know worth $19bn. (
2. They brought both Social media heavyweights: Whatsapp and Instagram. In November Snapchat turned down a $3bn offer from facebook.
3. There was a movie made about facebook and how it started: Social Network.
4.  95 % of people in United states have facebook http (://
5.  Facebook earned $2.6bn from adverts in 2012 (

6. Find three quotes about facebook (with reference) about the institution
1.  "Facebook is like prison. You spend all day staring at a wall and get poked by people you don't know"- Unknown (
2.  "I am on facebook, but mainly a way to spy on my children. I find out more about them on there facebook pages than from what they tell me"-  Salman Rushdie (
3.  "Facebook isn't your friend,  it is a surveillance machine "-  Richard Stallman (

Summarise 2 linked wikipedia pages 5 bulletpoints
1. This tells us that facebook has 955 million active users
2. This article tells us that 83 million facebook users are fake accounts
3.  4.8 percent of monthly users were duplicate accounts
4.  2.4 percent of monthly users were misclassified accounts
5.  Since these findings share prices have halfed.
1. In this article we learn that facebook brought competitors for $
2.  We understand that the EU are investigating and questioning this deal
3.  We learn that 2 companies have told commissions that they fear messagings apps could be squeezed out of the market

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