Tuesday 2 September 2014


This is from the Kate show which comes on in America on the ABC network. On this show they discuss issues in the media or on social media.  This show they discuss: Arse video games to blame for violent crime? The people discussing this issue are top Dr of Forensics and psychiatrists. The major point that they're discussing is what affect does the games have on individual behaviour. Dr Welner stated high intensity research is ongoing  but could confirm from research that violence in video games and that the gamer is deluded to the violent game.  Coleen Moore states that they do have methods to help the game addicts and treat this issue at the same level as alcoholism. Jim who put this forward to the White house said that 10 million dollars have been put forward to research the violence in video games.  Jim also says that the industry have no further laws and industies are targeting younger audiences but still have age ratings. as they believe parents only have to read the instruction (the box)

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